Kerrigan Ponsart
– Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
– Major(s)/Minor(s): Political Science & International Studies
– Class Year: Senior
– Most Influential Faculty or Staff Member: Dr. Christy Walkuski
“Dr. Walkuski is an adamant and inspiring force, using her knowledge and skill set to help others. She encourages students at BW to be active citizens, sharing her passion for service with us. She has impacted my time at BW enormously – providing a space in which I was able to grow in my passion for service and find new outlets for it. I grew as an individual as well as a student through her guidance and my positions in the Brain Center.”
– Most Influential BW Course: International Ethics
– Career Aspirations: She hopes to work in foreign diplomacy or international humanitarian aid work, including for the UNHCR or UNWOMEN as well as the State Department.